Automated Supplies

Your perfect business partner to help you succeed


Our cloud based service to monitor device status for service and supplies. It also enables print volumes and meter readings to be accessed remotely. It is provided free to all of our customers for the life of their contracts.

Pro-active Incident Alerts

Having remote visibility of the status of our clients’ fleet is key to delivering a well-managed responsive service. Through device alerts, triggers and graphical displays, responses can be immediate and pro-active service can be provided.

Meter Reporting

Device meter readings can be collected automatically, from networked, connected devices, eliminating the need for manual collections. This accurate and timely data can be used to analyse the fleet for continuous improvement opportunities, and for billing purposes.

Implementation of Datasharp Facilities Manager will provide you with a proactive service model in which any problems are anticipated and prevented before they take place and are fixed quickly after they occur. When something goes wrong with an MFD, information about the problem comes directly from the device, giving the service technician an accurate diagnosis. Datasharp FM allows the device to report the error condition immediately, letting the engineer arrive on site  before you even know there is a problem!


All communications are sent over HTTPS (Secure connection) and the info is limited to the stats of the devices only. (Meter readings and supplies levels) No other information is collected.

The collection agent network traffic during a Scan:
– The collection agent does not create any network traffic until a scan is initiated (by default, scans occur every 60 minutes depending on configuration).
– Once a scan has been initiated, the collection agent will create approximately 20 to 40 KB of bidirectional network traffic per device scanned.

Collection agent uploaded file size:
– The collection agent creates an encrypted file containing the scan information from each device that is then sent to our secure server to populate the web portal.
– The file size is approximately 5KB per device scanned


Step 1: Download software from below.
Use the following link to download the latest version of the Print Audit Information Collection Engine:


Save the file to the desktop, or another location where you will be able to find it easily.

Step 2: Install the Information Collection Engine (ICE) – (Ideally install on server or workstation which will always be turned on)

1. Navigate to where you saved the file you downloaded above.
2. Double-click the file to begin the installation process.
3. Click ‘Next’ to begin the wizard.
4. Click ‘Next’ to install ICE.
5. Click ‘Finish’ when the wizard has finished.

After you have successfully installed the Information Collection Engine, you may delete the file you downloaded if you wish.

Step 3: Activate the Information Collection Engine (ICE)

1. From the “Start Menu” launch the Print Audit FM ICE Administrator.
2. In the ‘Print Audit FM ICE Administrator Licensing’ dialog, enter the Activation Code for your company which we have supplied below.
3. Click Activate.
4. The Print Audit FM ICE License Agreement will then be displayed. Select I Agree to proceed.
5. A dialog will then be displayed, informing the user that the licensing has succeeded.
6. If a Proxy server is present, you can configure the Proxy settings at this time. For more information

on Proxy Servers, please refer to your IT administrator.

Please contact us for your activation code.


Toner Ordering

The system will monitor the toner/supplies levels of your device/s and automatically order & deliver your supplies


Meter Collection

Automatic meter reading collection for monthly readings and stats enabling you to continue with your work uninturupted


Monthly reports

Device usage reports so you have an oversight of your device or fleet


Email Alerting

Receive email alerts from the system on supplies life remaining and expiry


Sign up now to monitor the usage, supply levels of your device/s.

Three simple steps to complete.
1. Register to activate your online account.
2. Download and install free software to monitor your devices.
3. Log in to your cloud account to view reports and setup alerts.

Sign up

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